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Custom embosser
Embossing stamp
Embossing machine
Corporation seals
Embossing seals
Address Embosser
Notary Embosser
Custom logo embosser
Paper embossing machine
Embossers - Manual and Electric

Desk Embosser - Our desk embossers have been specifically engineered to produce higher pressure with minimal effort. The extremely stable design sits firmly on your desk making it perfect for repetitive and high volume use.

Pocket Embosser - Our pocket embossers are convenient because of their compact size and high leverage that creates clean and crisp impressions. The small and portable design make them perfect for carrying in your purse or briefcase.

Elegant Embosser - Elegant deluxe precision made embossers are a metal cast, then individually polished by hand to create a smooth, beautiful surface.

Electric Embosser - Electric Embossing Seals are designed to convert manual hand seals to an electric operation with no chance of hand stress injury. You now can get the best possible seal impression from a touch of the button instead of a two handed struggle. Extra quiet operation and heavy duty frame design, long outlasts hand seals.

Available sizes; 1-1/2" (26mm) diameter,  1-5/8" (41mm) diameter, 2" (51mm) diameter and 1"x2" (26mm x 51mm).

PAPER VERIFICATION: Verify number of sheets, gold foil use, paper weight, fiber content. Anything other than 1-2 sheet 20# copy paper, SEND SAMPLES to reduce chance of trouble.

Paper insert direction. ASK: if you are reading the document, which side do you insert in the seal  TOP / BOTTOM / LEFT / RIGHT, choose only one, (not bottom/left etc). Charge applies to change insert direction.

ARTWORK; Sometimes original artwork is outdated or needs to be cleaned up for use on embossers, award plaques, rubber stamps, name badges or specialty applications. A full color to black and white conversion is our specialty! We redraw the image to eliminate fuzzy backgrounds and leave a sharp, clean image which is critical for a quality product. Just send us what you have and we will advise on what needs to be done. Most artwork redraws are starting at a minimum charge of $40.00, or $75.00 per hour of complete graphic work/labor charge.

Online price does NOT reflect the cost of adding clip-art, or having a brass die added.

Questions or comments call us at 800-969-6699 or email us at sales@RubberStampsRUs.com