Made Of:
Sign Base: Each side is 8″ W x 22″ H durable polyethylene plastic base
Sign Post: 98″ H x 1.9″ W steel pipe sleeved with high-density thermoplastic
Sign Base: 21 lbs. ; Approximately 96 lbs when filled with water
Sign Post: 5 lbs.
Installation Options:
Fill with water, water and base gel mix, sand or gravel/concrete – In
freeze areas fill sign base with 10 gallons of water or the water and
base gel mixture to allow expansion Bolt-In application available
Standard Colors: yellow, red, accessible blue, and black
Easy custom color matching available
Base Gel (specify when ordering):
A firm, stable gel forms when mixed with water
Mold resistant
Resists leaks
Last up to 7 years and withstands freeze-thaw cycles
Sign brackets are available at an additional cost