Retracta-Belt® Options and Features
For larger queue areas, the 15' Single Line Retracta-Belt is the solution. This retractable belt post has all the industry leading features as our standard post with a longer belt. The longer span not only reduces the amount of stanchions to purchase, it also makes setup and breakdown quicker. Unlike other crowd control posts on the market that use a thinner and less durable belt to fit inside their standard posts, the Retracta-Belt Model 320/321 is completely redesigned to fit the longer belt, allowing us to use the same thick, durable belt found in all of our units. This increases the quality, and the product lifespan.
Belt Features
- 3 receiving ends: allow attachment of belts from any direction.
- Universal belt end: integrates with most competitors' products, including both internal groove as well as external dovetail designed products.
Belt End Upgrades
- Magnetic belt end: attaches to magnetic surfaces without a receiving end.
- Suction cup belt end: attaches to glass, ceramic or metal surfaces temporarily.
- S-Hook belt end: attaches to warehouse shelving or wraps around poles and connects to itself.
*Not available on SM65
Belt Advantages:
Durable polyester belt: same belt in all models. Unlike our competitors, we've created new Retracta-Belt mechanisms to get a longer belt instead of cramming a thinner, less durable belt into existing posts which appear wavy and flop over.

Custom Imprinted;

Silk Screened

Any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at